Attendance Alerts!

Dear parents and guardians; 

Starting Monday, September 9, 2024, we will be sending out Attendance Alerts. These alerts are a part of making sure your child has arrived at school safely and for you to know they have arrived at their scheduled classes. 

When a teacher takes attendance, if your child isn’t here they will be marked absent. If you have called to say that your child(ren) won’t be in then the teacher will mark them as an excused absence. If you haven’t called to let us know then our NEW ATTENDANCE ALERT SYSTEM will call the number you have on file with us. If you haven’t sent in the registration form yet please send it in Monday so any new phone numbers or email addresses can be added. 

K4 – 6 – Alerts are set to go out in both the morning and the afternoon, about ten minutes after the start of class time. If you do get a call, not a problem, just give the school a call and that way you won’t get the second one. 

7 – 12 Students – Alerts are set to go out about ten minutes after the start of class. There are six classes in a day so remind your child(ren) 

** To avoid getting unnecessary phone calls and emails please make sure you call if your child won’t be in school and for older children, to make sure they are to class on time.** 

PATIENCE is also going to be important…for all of us! We are new to this system too and it may take the first couple of weeks to get everything running smoothly. 

Please call the school if you need to ask any questions. (902) 295- 3491 

Louise Witzell
Wagmatcookewey School